Below is the full list of questions featured in the State of Change Management in the UN System 2024 survey, including the type of question it was and the number of responses received. Only those respondents who self-identified as change management leads for their organizations were asked to respond to questions 10 to 37 (using survey skip logic and branching) - hence the significantly lower number of responses for those questions. 

Question Question type # of responses (n=x)
Q1. Which organization do you work for? Single choice 104
Q2. Approximately how many staff members and personnel work in your organization? Single choice 103
Q3. What is your title? Please enter your official job title. This for internal UNLOCK and UNLOCK purposes only, to see how many of us have change management in their titles. Free text 104
Q4. What is your grade/level? Select the closest equivalent Single choice 104
Q5. What is your duty station? Free text 104
Q6. What type of office are you located in? Single choice 104
Q7. Where do you sit from from a structural perspective? Single choice 104
Q8. How many years of experience do you have in change management? Single choice 104

Q9. What is your change management role?

Note: Only those who indicated they are the change management lead were asked questions 10 to 37

Single choice 104
Q10. What organizational transformation and change initiatives are currently being conducted in your organization? Multiple choice matrix 22
Q11. How many people in your organization (regardless of the contractual arrangements) work on change management full-time vs. part-time? If you don't have this information, please enter 'Don't know'. Free text 22
Q12. Which units/departments have change management functions as part of their work? For example: IT, Innovation, Communications, HR or DEI Free text 22
Q13. Does your organization have a central change management function? Single choice 22
Q14. Since when has your central change management function been in place? If you don't have this information, please enter 'Don't know'. Free text 10
Q15. What is your central change management function called? Free text 10
Q16. Where does your organization's central change management function sit? Single choice 10
Q17. Does your organization have a governance body which oversees the central change management function in its coordination of change efforts? Single choice 10
Q18. Is your organization's central change management function... Single choice 10
Q19. How is your central change management function structured? For instance, is it structured in cascading mode from Headquarters to Regional offices then to Country/Field offices within a centralized change management function; or within other units/departments/divisions? Or perhaps there are change management practitioners in various units/departments/divisions at all levels reporting directly to the HQ centralized change management function? Free text 9
Q20. If easier than describing your structure, you can upload an existing description or image here. Image upload 1
Q21. Do you have a central change management function budget? Single choice 10
Q22. What is the size of the annual budget (in USD million) for the central change management function? Free text 5
Q23. What is the percentage of core vs. non-core budget? Please enter percentage of core budget in text field and omit the percent sign from your response. Free text 5
Q24. Do you have Terms of Reference for the central change management function? Single choice 9
Q25. What is included in the scope of work of your central change management function? Below is a list of types of transformation / change and functions. Multiple choice 9
Q26. What roles and responsibilities does your central change management function currently have? Multiple choice 9
Q27. To whom is the central change management function providing services? Single choice 9
Q28. How is your central change management function staffed? Single choice 9
Q29. How many people work in your central change management function? Multiple choice matrix 9
Q30. What skills does your central change management function team possess? Please select all that apply. Multiple choice 9
Q31. What have been the areas of best progress in the central change management function? Free text 7
Q32. To date, what are the central change management function’s greatest challenges? Free text 7
Q33. What do you wish for your central change management function going forward?Please describe succinctly. Free text 7
Q34. If your organization does not have a central change management function, how is the change management function organized? With this question, we are seeking to understand the distribution of the change management function across your organization. Free text 14
Q35. If easier than describing your structure, you can upload an existing description or image here. Free text 0
Q36. How would you rate the level of change management maturity of your organization? Organizational change maturity measures the readiness and capability of an organization to implement and manage change effectively: how well an organization can plan, execute, and sustain changes in a way that minimizes disruptions and maximizes benefits; and the extent to which change management is embedded and integrated into the organization’s culture, processes, and systems. See more details in the Prosci (c) change maturity model table here. Single choice 20

Q37. What are the main barriers in achieving greater maturity in change management in the organization? Select all the relevant barriers.

Note: This is the last question that only those who self-identified as change management lead were asked through branching. 

Multiple choice 20

Q38. Which types of organizational transformation and change initiatives are you currently working on personally? Please select all the relevant initiatives.

Multiple choice 103
Q39. What percentage of your time is dedicated to change management work? Single choice 103
Q40. What skill set do you currently possess personally? Multiple choice matrix 103
Q41. How would you rate your level of experience in the following types of transformation / change? Multiple choice matrix 103
Q42. How would you rate your level of experience in the following functions? Multiple choice matrix 103
Q43. Have you taken the UNLOCK training "Introduction to change management"? Single choice 103
Q44. Do you have an official change management certification? Single choice 103
Q45. Which certification do you have? Single choice 33
Q46. Does your organization use automation, digital tools and ML/AI in support of change management work? Single choice 102
Q47. If yes, what does the organization use? Free text 21
Q48. If your organization has a network (or several networks) of change agents or change makers, do they... Single choice 97
Q49. Do the change agent network(s) have coordinators? Single choice 96
Q50. If yes, then what percentage of their time do they spend on the change agent network? Free text 50
Q51. Do you or the change initiatives or projects you are working on have a budget for change management activities? Single choice 81
Q52. What is the size of the annual budget (in USD million)? Single choice 25
Q53. How often do you call on external consultants or firms for change management support? Single choice 98
Q54. When you call on external consultants or firms, what kind of support do they provide and for what type of change? Multiple choice matrix 74
Q55. How would you rate the level of awareness of the importance of change management in your organization? Please rate each function Multiple choice matrix 98
Q56. Is there an overarching change management strategy… Multiple choice matrix 98
Q57. Is there a change management strategy for the main project you're currently working on? Single choice 98
Q58. Do you apply change management models, frameworks and methodologies to your change management work? Single choice 98
Q59. Which model, framework and methodology do you use most often? Single choice 91
Q60. Does your organization or do you offer change management training to colleagues: Multiple choice matrix 98
Q61. To what extent do you involve relevant senior leaders in your change management activities? This refers to senior leaders who have the authority and influence to support and champion change in the organization. Multiple choice matrix 94
Q62. What kind of interventions do you use to support relevant senior leaders in their role? Multiple choice 90
Q63. To what extent do you involve people managers in your change management activities? Single choice 95
Q64. What kind of interventions do you use to support people managers in their role? Single choice 89
Q65. To what extent do you involve local personnel in change management activities? By local personnel we mean locally hired, non-mobile personnel, regardless of grade, level or contractual arrangement. Single choice 92
Q66. In your opinion, to what degree has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced change management in your organization? Single choice 98
Q67. How has the pandemic influenced change management in your organization and why? Free text 56
Q68. Which areas of the Quintet of Change have led to change management activities? Please select all that apply. Multiple choice 84
Q69. What do you estimate the level of change saturation to be in your organization at the moment? This question refers to the level of change fatigue. Single choice 96
Q70. How would you rate the level of change agility of your organization? Change agility is the ability of an organization to rapidly anticipate and respond to change in a flexible and effective way. Single choice 95
Q71. In the change projects you lead or are involved in, is organizational performance being measured? In other words, do you use metrics to measure whether change and transformation projects achieve the desired organizational outcomes? Single choice 96
Q72. In the change projects you lead or are involved in, is individual performance being measured? This refers to measuring how individuals impacted by the change in your organization are progressing through their change journey. Single choice 96
Q73. Is change management performance being measured? These measure change management activities carried out by the change management team and complement the outcome-based metrics related to individual and organizational performance. Single choice 96
Q74. Is organizational culture and/or culture change being measured? Single choice 96
Q75. What else is being measured? Please describe succinctly. You can take inspiration from all the categories you’ve seen to date in this survey. Free text 35
Q76. What would you want to measure that is not measured and not included in the previous questions? Please describe succinctly. You can take inspiration from all the categories you’ve seen to date in this survey. Free text 34
Q77. What are you asked to report on? Multiple choice 96
Q78. Are best practices in change management shared across your organization? Single choice 96
Q79. How are best practices in change management shared across your organization? Free text 33
Q80. What is the most comprehensive or significant change effort you have ever been involved in, and why? This refers to a change effort you’ve personally been involved in as a change maker which was either on a large scale or had a big impact on your office or organization. Free text 65
Q81. Please describe the most successful change management initiative you have witnessed since 2020. This refers to an initiative you have witnessed but not been involved in from the perspective of a change maker. Free text 51
Q82. What are your biggest change management challenges? Free text 66
Q83. What key learnings from past and/or ongoing efforts would you like to share with other change practitioners in UN agencies? Free text 49
Q84. If we would like to find out more about your successes, challenges and learnings, can we get in touch with you? If so, please enter your name and email address. By entering your email address you agree to the UNLOCK team using your email address to get in touch with you. Many thanks! Please note that his information will not be shared with anyone outside of the UNLOCK team. Free text 58