Preparing UN staff to deliver on their mandates in high-risk environments

Preparing UN staff to deliver on their mandates in high-risk environments

To function effectively in UN peace operations, United Nations civilian personnel need to be better equipped to deliver on their mandates. – In response to this need, the Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) and UNSSC developed the Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environments (SSAFE) training programme in 2007. The high-level training programme is designed to provide UN staff with a shared understanding of the principles, guidelines and policies that enable them to work in complex and dangerous conflict environments.  

To date, nearly 100,000 personnel have been trained in over sixty-five countries. Rich with different theoretical modules, simulations and role-play, the SSAFE programme has been instrumental in ensuring that deployed staff from across the UN system and partner organizations are able deliver their mandates in a safe manner. The programme is further complemented by a “Train the Trainers” component that is aimed at building a pool of security officers and trainers  capable of supporting and training their colleagues.  

SSAFE has proven to be a successful programme, that continues to deliver on its promise to help prepare and to UN personnel in undertaking  crucial missions with the requisite skills and confidence.