Climate change is recognized as one of the greatest global risks to peace and security in the 21st century. While there is no direct causal link between climate change and conflict, there is growing evidence that climate stressors and shocks can compound underlying vulnerabilities and existing grievances, thereby exacerbating tensions and conflict dynamics. The United Nations Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace recommends addressing the interlinkages between climate, peace and security in the context of preventing violent conflicts and sustaining peace.

Increased awareness of the impacts of climate change for peace and security in recent years has led to a growing demand for analyses that shed light on the complex linkages between increasing global temperatures and risks of instability, sharing of lessons learned and good practices, and trainings on how to integrate these findings into conflict prevention work.

Our story
Our story

Since 2020, the Staff College ’s Peace and Security Hub has been listening to UN colleagues around the world and responding to their knowledge and capacity needs through a diversified and tailored learning offer, which includes

  • courses on climate risks analysis and the impact on peace and security;
  • trainings on climate peace and security programming for peacebuilding; and
  • strategy building workshops for organizations seeking to mainstream climate, peace and security considerations into their workplans.

In collaboration with an extensive network of partners emanating from the UN, research and academia, government, and beyond, UNSSC has trained hundreds of UN staff from the UN Secretariat, Agencies, Funds and Programme, Special Political Missions and Peacekeeping Operations, in addition to providing numerous learning opportunities through open online events. UNSSC is now recognized as a natural training institutional anchor for the UN system in the area of climate, peace and security.

Through our climate, peace and security portfolio, we strive to achieve the following objectives:

  • Increase capacity at local, national and international levels to identify and understand climate impact and related security risks in specific contexts where the UN operates​
  • Increase awareness of tools, methodologies and resources available within and outside the UN to identify climate-related security risks and take action to prevent, mitigate and manage them ​
  • Increase integration and collaboration across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus​
  • Promote consideration of the differentiated impacts and opportunities of climate change for men, women, youth and other groups​
  • Enhance visibility and reach of the Climate Security Mechanism in support of UN efforts on climate, peace and security​
  • Grow a network of climate, peace and security practitioners to foster exchange of experiences, good practices and learnings

UNSSC’s learning offer on climate, peace and security supports the organization’s wider commitment to climate education for a sustainable and resilient future for all.

Our Learning Offer

Coffee Hours

Between April 2020 and September 2021, UNSSC hosted 10 virtual coffee hours to discuss issues ranging from the risks posed by climate change to peacebuilding and sustaining peace to the role of data for climate security, the gender dimensions of climate-related security risks, migration and displacement in a changing climate, the relevance of climate change for conflict mediation, climate-sensitive programming for sustaining peace, and more.


Berlin Climate and Security Conference (online)

UNSSC hosted virtual events at the Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021  and 2022 to foster multi-stakeholder dialogues and sharing of lessons learned on issues related to food insecurity, climate change, and conflict sensitivity, identifying sustainable pathways for peacebuilding and good practices for mitigating climate risks.


Climate Sensitive Programming for Sustaining Peace

This four-week course equipped participants with tools to conduct localized climate risk assessments and integrate them into programmatic planning for sustaining peace, addressing risks posed by climate change to peace and security at the international, national and local level.


UN Climate and Security Practitioners Dialogue

The UN Climate and Security Practitioners Dialogue was a dynamic two-day discussion on risk analysis, integrating climate risks into peacebuilding and development programmes, and using data for evidence-based decision-making. Participants shared their experiences and best practices in the fast-growing area of work at the intersection of climate action and peacebuilding.


Climate, Peace and Security Pilot Training for the UN Mission in South Sudan

This training, held for two separate cohorts over four days, was offered to UN practitioners from the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the South Sudan UN Country Team. Participants increased their understanding of climate change impacts and explored methodologies to conduct climate-related security risk assessments and develop integrated strategies addressing climate, peace, and security challenges in South Sudan.

JUNE 2023

Climate, Peace and Security Training for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region

This training brought together practitioners from UN Peacekeeping Operations, Special Political Missions and UN Country Teams in the MENA Region. It offered methodologies for climate-related security risk assessments and the use of data for evidence-based decision-making, sharing experiences and lessons learned from integrating climate risks into peacebuilding and development programming.

JULY 2023

Climate, Peace and Security Programming Training for the Peacebuilding Fund

This training brought together UN Secretariat staff, technical programme staff from UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, and Peace and Development Advisers working on the development of climate security project proposals for consideration by the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) in 2023. Addressing the integration of climate-related security risks in the design and implementation of PBF-funded projects.


Climate, Peace and Security in Agrifood Systems Workshop

This workshop brought together technical staff from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, the Office of Emergencies and Resilience, and the Agrifood Economics Division. It addressed conflict and climate sensitivity within FAO under the overall multi-risk and impact management approach for resilient agrifood systems, addressing practices and tools to integrate climate, peace, and security.


Berlin Climate and Security Conference (in-person)

This workshop brought together experts from different geographic and thematic areas within the UN, government and civil society to discuss inclusion in the climate, peace, and security agenda. A practical note on Next steps towards an inclusive Climate, Peace and Security agenda was produced as an outcome of the workshop.


UN Climate, Peace and Security Dialogue Series (online)

This virtual dialogue series was organized in the lead-up to the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It provided a space for exchange among academics and practitioners on topics relevant to the intersection of climate action and peacebuilding: 1. Leveraging opportunities for peace through climate action; 2. Transitioning to clean and sustainable energies: what opportunities for peace?; and 3. Channeling climate finance to fragile and conflict-affected countries.


OSESGY Climate, Peace and Security Workshop

This workshop addressed risk analysis and avenues to mainstream climate, peace and security in the work of the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen (OSESGY). Guided through the Lego Serious Play methodology, participants explore strategy-building on climate, peace and security.


Climate, Peace and Security Programming Training for Peacebuilding Fund Secretariats

This training built the capacity of Peacebuilding Fund Secretariats staff, Peace and Development Advisers, and Resident Coordinators Offices’ staff to integrate climate-related security risks into the design and implementation of PBF-funded projects, emphasizing synergies between climate change mitigation, adaptation, and peacebuilding.

APRIL 2024

Training Workshop on Climate, Peace, and Security with Basic Facilitation Skills for South Sudan

Building on the pilot training held for the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in 2023, this training strengthened the capacity of government and civil society to apply climate-related security risk analysis methodologies and leverage entry points for mainstreaming climate, peace, and security considerations into their work. Participants also received training on basic facilitation skills to support the dissemination of knowledge and further capacity building in their respective communities and institutions.

Coming up in JUNE 2024

Practical Approaches to Climate, Peace and Security Programming for Peacebuilding Repository

The repository gathers cases from a variety of contexts and environments, drawing from the experience of different organizations including UN entities and non-governmental organizations in mainstreaming climate-sensitive considerations into integrated peacebuilding programmes. The aim is to share lessons learned from practitioners on how to identify, analyse and address climate-related security risks through all stages of the programme cycle, and to provide practical examples on how to mainstream climate sensitive considerations into peacebuilding programmes. The repository will be launched in June 2024.

Key figures
Key figures
Participants trained
Participants in online events (coffee hours/webinars/dialogues)
Online events
Face-to-face trainings
Partners & Donors
Partners & Donors
climate security mechanism
Irish Aid
Peacebuilding Fund
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