How do we move beyond responding to crises, to sensing and actualizing the just, equitable and sustainable future we’ve articulated in the 2030 Agenda? How do we confront our own blind spots and understand and improve the systems we are part of? How do we cultivate a culture that embeds risk reduction and resilience-building into the DNA of policies and investments, rather than merely reacting to climate shocks?  

Developing actionable solutions to these questions is part of moving toward a more impactful UN that is at the forefront of change and innovation, as highlighted in the UN 2.0 vision. 

In a conversation moderated by Silke Weinlich, Deputy Director, Learning and Knowledge Services at UNSSC, this webinar explores how to address sustainable development challenges through systemic and integrated approaches. We discuss stumbling blocks, as well as enabling factors and conditions for success, drawing on key insights from the work of the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction Office (UNDRR) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP), complemented by experiences from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 

Through these cases, we glean key lessons on how the UN can support transitions at the country level and discussed the necessary capacities to do so effectively. 


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