From 14 to 16 April 2016, the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, in partnership with the Hertie School of Governance, will bring together UN staff, government officials, civil society, development practitioners, and academics at the UN Reflection Series 2016. The event's driving theme will be "Development Cooperation, Policy Advice and Middle Income Countries", and its purpose will be to foster the exchange of information, knowledge and ideas on how best to operate development frameworks in the context of Middle Income Countries (MICs).

MICs are a diverse group in size, income and population, with a per capita gross national income from 1,026 to 12,475 USD, as defined by the World Bank. Despite impressive growth rates, MICs trap millions in extreme poverty as a result of inequality and demographic trends. The fact that MICs represent one third of global GDP means little for the actual gains they have achieved in their pursuit of development, given that MICs are home to 73% of the world's poorest people.

Eradicating poverty by promoting fair and sustained economic growth, together with social inclusion and environmental protection, are the three main interrelated goals of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In light of this, MICs become a prominent target for the new Agenda's successful implementation. If the Sustainable Development Goals are not fully achieved in MICs, the world will be failing five of the world’s seven billion people.

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in MICs requires development practitioners to advance newer strategies that fit their complex development landscape. On the one hand, dwindling Official Development Assistance (ODA) resources have limited MIC's capacity to tackle development challenges. On the other hand, an increasing number of MICs are actively engaging in Triangular and South-South cooperation to aid countries in need. There is more work to do in understanding and addressing the commonalities and differences between MICs.

Against this backdrop, the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development recognises the relevance of MICs for the overall 2030 Agenda. Tasked to support the implementation of the new Agenda, the UNSSC Knowledge Centre will use its convening power at the UN Reflection Series to prompt dialogue and knowledge-sharing on coherent and effective development approaches to MICs.

To ensure that discussions will have a broader outlook than an internal UN focus, the UNSSC Knowledge Centre is working in close collaboration with the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UNDOCO), and one of Germany's foremost public policy institution, the Hertie School of Governance.

The first edition of the UN Reflection Series will feature the participation of prominent UN and non-UN figures in the plenary morning sessions and afternoon break-out sessions as well as in the clinics and workshops. We welcome you to join us for this 2.5 day learning event that seeks to inform future development practice in MICs.