The Government of Sweden aims to broaden the human resource base with experience of international work and work within the development sector, by giving younger, passionate, and educated people the opportunity to serve in the United Nations as junior professional officers (JPOs). In 2017 UNSSC and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) co-created a phenomenally successful learning programme designed to broaden JPOs’ leadership skills, improve their career prospects, and foster collaboration within the UN System.

“Sida finances programs for the Swedish JPOs to provide them with the keys to advance their careers towards serving in the UN system.”

- Thao Do Jorgensen, Programme Manager, Sida

This year 2023 UN Emerging Leadership and Career Booster for Swedish JPOs welcomed 29 mid-level Swedish JPOs representing 16 agencies and 22 duty stations to the Staff College campus in Turin, Italy.

Becoming a leader in the UN 

From the beginning of programme, participants were asked to reflect on the true meaning of being a leader in the UN, starting with their interactions with a former JPO (now Evaluation Specialist) and UNICEF Representative in El Salvador. They touched on the topics of mobility, accountability, and the values that guide the work of young professionals and leaders within the UN.   

To prompt dialogue and encourage reflection, the JPOs were tasked with conveying their stories and values through a Lego ® Serious Play, discussing their career journeys and giving advice to their peers with similar experiences. 

Mindfulness in the workplace and assessing DiSC profile results

Consistent self-care practice is one of the most effective ways working professionals can avoid or reduce the effects of burnout. Participants were provided with tips, advice and practical approaches to self-care as well as stress management techniques and tools to help them keep a healthy work-life balance.

Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance (DiSC) Assessments help improve workplace productivity, teamwork, and communication. JPOs received feedback and guidance on how to optimize and benefit from the results of their assessments.

“Exchanging and learning from each other was the best part of this programme. We all face very similar challenges which were very powerful and useful to learn. This network will be extremely useful and important going forward.”

- Participant, Sida JPO Programme, 2023

Personal branding, acing interviews, and career trajectories 

Participants had the opportunity to learn how improve their personal branding and how to best showcase their skills or competencies in interviews. JPOs participants were also guided to develop their career timelines and vision for their future. They were asked to reflect on their purpose and priorities and draft a vision that reflected their values.


In a special session hosted by IOM’s Director of Human Resource Management, Michael Emery, JPOs gained insights on the latest developments in terms of UN career trends, news, and opportunities to help them effectively prepare and plan their career trajectories.


“Enjoyed the opportunity to network with peers and other JPOs present during the residential week. The most effective was the session on "Peers as Resources" as it gave us the opportunity to allocate time to listen to each other in a more structured way.”

- Participant, Sida JPO Programme, 2023

Next Steps

“This year marked seven years and the second blended edition of emerging leadership and career booster for Swedish Junior Professional Officers. This programme speaks very much to the UN System Staff College’s core mandate and mission. The collaboration and co-creation with Sida specifically amplifies it in a powerful way. Throughout our seventh-year collaboration with Sida on this programme, we have enjoyed accompanying the JPOs on this important learning journey. At UNSSC we help them become better leaders, find their career path in the UN and prepare for their next career move.”

- Aida Ghazaryan, Learning Portfolio Manager, UNSSC

It was a jam-packed programme full of fruitful learning for the Swedish JPOs, providing them with opportunities to connect with peers while learning from a host of qualified leaders both within and outside the United Nations.

The learning continues even though they have left Turin! Each JPO will benefit from bilateral sessions with leadership and career coaches to ensure they turn all the wisdom they received into action.

UNSSC is proud to have hosted this 2023 cohort of JPOs in collaboration Sida. Learn more about the 2023 UN Emerging Leadership and Career Booster for Swedish JPOs on social media! 

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