A computer game to build peace instead of making war. This might seem unthinkable in a world that is dominated by violent games that intent to fight and destroy a virtual enemy. Now the time has come to create games for life matters. &ranj and a consortium of international peacebuilding institutions are developing a professional game that aims at peacebuilding in conflict countries. The game is expected to be launched in September 2016. 

A consortium of international peacebuilding institutions (ACCORD, GCSP, PeaceNexus, UNITAR, UNSSC, USIP) have joined forces with serious gaming company &ranj to create a game for peace practitioners from all corners of the world. The game aims at creating awareness and trains local and international professionals in manoeuvring through complex, ever changing socio- political problems. Soft- skill topics like these aren’t easily captured in existing training methods like classroom training and e- learning. A serious game can immerse the players in a compelling storyline. It provides a safe environment to experiment behaviour and practice competencies. After playing the peacebuilding practitioners should be able to execute their learnings in their real-life quest to peace.

This serious game for professionals is one of the first of its kind. ‘A dream project’ according to GAF van Baalen, Game Director and co- owner of &ranj. ‘Every game studio wants to impact people with their games. It’s an honour to work on a project that aims at building a brighter future for people all over the world. We have high hopes and believe that we can set major steps to help professionals establish peace. This project should prove that serious games are an impactful, unmissable tool for peacebuilding’.