Introducing a new capacity development initiative in evaluation!

The WFP Office of Evaluation and the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) are pleased to announce the launch of a micro-credentialing scheme in evaluation for members of the WFP evaluation community (evaluation officers working full-time on evaluation and M&E staff who have managed decentralized evaluations).

The scheme aims to enhance the overall credibility and capability of the WFP evaluation function and its contribution to achieving zero hunger. It provides a flexible and targeted approach to enhance evaluation management capabilities, as well as a framework for recognizing acquired learning and skills.

What are micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials certify learning outcomes in a narrow field of learning of short-term learning experiences. Micro-credentials allow learners with different backgrounds and levels of experiences to build a flexible learning path. They include assessment based on clearly defined standards.

The Scheme, aligned with United Nations Evaluation Group’s Evaluation Competency Framework and grounded in good practices and existing research on adult learning, includes a combination of theoretical and applied modalities for learning, specifically,

  • a course component (online or blended), synchronous and asynchronous
  • on the job experience and
  • coaching or mentoring sessions.

Who is eligible to participate?

The requirements to enter the micro-credential scheme are the following:

  • For M&E Officers working on decentralized evaluations
    • Completion of WFP Evaluation Foundations Course or UNEG Evaluation Foundations Course (once they become available Q4 2023)
    • Completion of the WFP Evaluation Learning Programme course on How to Manage a Decentralized Evaluation
    • Experience as an evaluation manager of at least one evaluation in WFP or another entity
  • For Evaluation Officers
    • Completion of UNEG Evaluation Foundations Course (once available)
    • Experience as an evaluation manager (or experience as research analyst substantively engaging in and supporting the entire evaluation process) in at least one evaluation in WFP or another entity

Some micro-credentials may require ‘pre-requisite’ knowledge (that could be acquired by taking other micro-credentials where applicable or prior courses and experience). 

What is involved?

Effort required to achieve the micro-credential is within a range of 25-30 hours for a typical learner profile, to be completed within 6 months. 

Digital badge

A digital badge will be issued to learners who have passed the assessment. The badge contains meta-data on the micro-credential content and is in line with Open Badge standards so that learners can share or display their digital badges online, and third party ‘verifiers’ can verify the badge.

How do I apply?

Interested learners can apply online. Applications will be reviewed against the criteria established in the Quality Standards document (”Entry into the Scheme”). Learners will get an automatic notification of the status of their applications when they apply and when their applications are approved.