
The JPO Learning Pathway gives an inter-agency, system-wide induction and post-induction learning support to Junior Professional Officers of the UN system and other multilateral organizations, at all stages of their JPO journey. It is a tailor-made path that includes an orientation programme, a career booster programme and an opportunity to sign up for executive coaching sessions. Our learning solutions also amplify peer-to-peer networking and multi-generational learning exchange.

A pathway centred around your learning needs

Over the twenty years of delivering courses for JPOs, UNSSC’s goal has always been to provide junior professional officers with learning experiences that would guide them throughout their journey. With this goal in mind, the Staff College collected data from JPOs, UN organizations and donor countries, to gain an understanding of  JPOs’ needs, concerns, and interests.

From the research, we noted that JPOs are on the lookout for the baseline UN system-wide knowledge and critical skills needed for JPOs to effectively start their JPO assignment. Training should enable them to build a supportive community of peers within the UN system to last through their future endeavours as pioneers of dynamic progress. To address the insights, specific needs and aspirations gathered from the JPO Induction Mapping Exercise we designed and created the JPO Learning Pathway.

Our offerings
JPO Orientation Programme

This  programme provides JPOs with a package of knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to effectively undertake a successful career in the UN system, specifically in the first 100 days after deployment.

UNSSC develops the programme curriculum in partnership with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and with donor countries.

Career Booster for JPOs

Designed primarily for mid-assignment JPOs, this programme equips JPOs with a common set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be essential for their current and future career in the UN system.

Also offered in partnership with requesting member states.

Executive Coaching for JPOs

This learning solution is designed for JPOs to explore how to navigate a whole range of career challenges: choosing a path, managing times of transition, practicing leadership and putting management tools to good use. A tailored solution, able to provide JPOs with the support they might need to shape their aspirations more effectively towards a high-performance career in the UN system. 

Contact us
Do you want to know more about the JPO Learning Pathway? Send us an email
Ariana Smith
Associate Affairs Officer, UNODA Geneva

What a pleasure to connect with so many wonderful and accomplished JPOs these weeks. The UNSSC programme was invaluable as I prepare to deploy in the UN system for the first time, and I am leaving fully inspired and energetic for my next step.

Katrina Frappier
Monitoring Officer, WFP Rome

This course has lifted so many of my worries and broadened my state of mind to see a whole new world of opportunities. I am grateful I had the opportunity to meet such beautiful, enthusiastic and like-minded individuals. I know now that I don't need to forget who I am, my values and my aspirations to craft the career best for me.

Clara Nelly Fischer
Technical Officer, WHO Monrovia

The coaching helped me to see my characteristics as strengths and build on them instead of wanting to change them.


Creating networks is an essential skill. To leverage its power, the JPO Learning Pathway is delivered in a blended modality: alongside online-based learning, we implement  residential learning that leverages the support network and leads JPOs to make lasting connections and truly become part of the UN community.

Beyond the duration of each programme, Alumni Events are the occasions for these communities to reconnect. Different cohorts of JPOs have the chance to reunite with fellow participants and build new networks, within a learning environment designed to boost intergenerational exchange and contribute to the delivery.

Your stories