This learning path is designed to equip participants to uphold the universal leadership characteristics, behaviours and principles envisioned by the UN System Leadership Framework. This is a self-paced modular programme available to all UN staff.


This online course supports the operationalization of the UN System Leadership Framework. The reinvigorated UN Leadership Culture, coming from the adoption of the UN System Leadership Framework, is a change manifesto in itself, asking each and every UN staff to lead, regardless of level, duties, or location.


Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the key characteristics of UN leadership and support the adoption of leadership behaviours embodied in the UN System Leadership Framework.
  • Leverage diversity at work through inclusiveness and belonging.
  • Become a transformational leader through self-managment by focusing on personal change and self-leadership.
  • Influence transformation within the team for personal effectiveness and higher performance.
  • Recognize how ethical leaders behave and reflect on your own values, actions and personal characteristics in order to lead ethically. 
  • Use your communication skills to build and sustain lasting relationships with team members and stakeholders.


Course methodology

This programme follows a learner-centered design and scenario-based learning. It is a self-paced learning path delivered entirely online.

This custom learning path forms part of the new UNSSC’s Blue Line learning platform.

After registration, participants can start and complete modules and activities at their own pace.

This online learning path offers:

A micro-learning experience characterized by small knowledge units (modules and micro-lessons) where participants consolidate and reflect on learnings through the creation of micro-content (multimodal forum replies, blog posts, etc.).

Scenario-based learning exposing participants to unique real-life challenges and tasks of UN managers

Consolidation of takeaways through reflective practices and social learning to facilitate information exchange and peer-to-peer learning

Our dedicated e-learning platform tracks completion of individual modules. A final certificate will be given to participants completing all modules in the learning path.

Each module is estimated to require approximately three to four hours of study time to complete at your own pace.

Subject to completion of this learning path, interested participants can sign up and access the Extended E-Certificate on Leadership and Management or other E-Learning Paths in Blueline. Please contact for further information.

Course contents

The Leadership in the UN E-Learning Path includes the following modules:

  • The UN System Leadership Framework
  • Transformational Leadership - Leading the Self
  • Transformational Leadership - Leading Others
  • Adaptive Leadership
  • Introduction to Ethical Leadership
  • Ethical Decision Making
  • Leading through Communication
  • Leveraging Diversity in the Workplace

The programme is delivered through UNSSC's Blue Line e-learning platform. By completing the learning path, participants will have access to an exclusive alumni network for continuous learning and exchange.

Target audience

UN personnel at all levels.

Cost of participation



3 h

Ethical Decision-Making

Take this module on Ethical Decision-Making to gain insights into what makes a decision an ethical decision and why ethics is fundamental to our decision-making. This online module was developed thanks to the cooperation between the UN Office for Human Resources, the UN Ethics Office and the United Nations System Staff College.
4 h

Introduction to Ethical Leadership

Take this module on Ethical Leadership to not only understand how ethical leaders behave but also reflect on your own values, actions and personal characteristics in order to lead ethically.This online module was developed thanks to the cooperation between the UN Office for Human Resources, the UN Ethics Office and the United Nations System Staff College.
3.5 h

Leading through Communication

Take this module to enhance your leadership communication skills and cultivate engaged employees by fostering conversation and interaction.Your instructor for this module is Dr. Robert Anderson. 
4 h

Leveraging Diversity in the Workplace

Take this module to identify ways to recognize and deal with your biases as well as leverage diversity at work through inclusiveness and belonging. Your instructor for this module is Dr. Monique Valcour. 
3 h

Adaptive Leadership

Welcome to the Adaptive Leadership module!This module will teach you key principles of adpative leadership and how to apply them in your Organization.By taking this course, you will be able to adopt new ways of recognizing, framing and addressing challenges, be they personal or professional, using adaptive leadership methodology.Your instructor for the course will be Jeff Lawrence.
3 h

The UN System Leadership Framework

This module will guide you through the UN System Leadership Framework: the key characteristics of UN leadership and the four ways of working. Click to meet speakers and contributors to this module.
4.5 h

Transformational Leadership - Leading Others

Take this module to learn how to apply the core concepts of Transformational Leadership to effectively lead high-performing teams and leave a lasting impact on your organization. Your instructor for this module is Mary Waceke Muia. IMPORTANT: To be eligible for this module, you must first complete Transformational Leadership - Leading Self
4 h

Transformational Leadership - Leading Self

Take this module to gain a deep understanding of transformational leadership, both in a broader context and specifically within the framework of UN Leadership. Learn actionable strategies for cultivating your own transformational leadership qualities and embark on the journey of becoming a transformational leader of self. Your instructor for this module is Mary Waceke Muia.